Sperm is a catalytic force of existence, and every time a man releases sperm, he is to some extent depleting his body. In the ideal, a man will ejaculate by choice when there is a need for procreation, or the desire for the experience. You have been given ideas that keep you in a very low vibrational state that is degenerating rather than rejuvenating. First you were infused with the idea that sex is bad. Then institutions were created to forgive you for doing these bad things. You have this duality flipping backward and forward. Many men and women, especially in the Western world, do not understand how deeply infused they are with the idea that sex is bad. This is such an overlay of all of their behavior that they rush through the sexual experience, because if they are doing something bad, they don’t want to get caught.
There is a balance, where you find the right place. You have no guilt or shame after you have come out of the sexual event. That is why we say it is essential to have a deep bonding of love with your partner. The love that you have with your partner prevents, in general, the shame and the guilt. Without love there is often too much shame and guilt, and the emotional destruction can be great.
There are so many things to explore in the genital area of the male and female. The orifices that you have as openings have different spots, or acupuncture points, that can be triggered. These have very little to do with genital penetration.
There is also tremendous excitement that can come from looking into each other’s eyes, exchanging the strands of DNA. This is the heart connection into the eyes of the soul—the heart of the soul. Of course, you can close your eyes; however, a tremendous amount of eye contact changes the experience. You may also wish to work with your chakras, touching especially each other’s heart chakras. Put your hand on the heart chakra of your partner and keep keep your hearts open.
As you stimulate with your eyes, and use the chakras, and activate the acupressure points in the genital area, these places come alive. As you touch these places, there is a chemical response that hooks you into an orgasm that moves outward into your many bodies. This allows you to climb the ladder to higher knowledge and come into your divinity. It also involves allowing yourselves to explore each other’s bodies—to be completely free with the shape and expression of your bodies. This is the next avenue.
Explore who you are, make an intention of what you are after, and make your time of expressing your sexuality a time of joy. Sex is not about performance; it is about the most intimate bonding and sharing that can possibly be. It is not just about, “Yeah, you were great.” It is about intimacy, about fusing with another as you maintain your own sovereignty. It is about being supported and supporting, because it is going to be essential as you maintain your own sovereignty and rediscover what pleasure and joy are. Your body will begin to remember.
Perhaps you can change your focus during intercourse to not reach climax immediately. Have fun and build to the point just before climax, then hold that frequency, subside to a point, and build it again and again. Take some time with it. When you honor the process, spend hours doing so, because this creates a deep intimacy and the experience will last you so much longer. The rejuvenation or regeneration of the life force occurs when there are hours and hours of intimacy, with your eyes open, and you learning to get your body to do what you want it to do. . . . The Pleiadians through the beautiful Barbara Marciniak
Artist: unknown
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